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Проезжих: 1
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Добавлено: 31.08.2008
Kiss and Control

Watch the stars,
Turn you to nothing
Now blush and smile as they whisk you away.
Bite your lips a bit more
I'll swallow your fear
I will show you how
All the bite marks inpressed
Are need to be here,
I need to sing
City lights, like rain,
Dance and Explode.
Fall apart, then you thought
"What if I'm, not dead?"
Kiss and Control.
All of our broken hearts..
Velvet runs,
Wrists while I'm straining.
He blushed and smiled,
And he said you would stay.
One more time to my breath,
I'll feed you this sky.
I will show you how.
Steal the grammar from death
And before you die,
Then you should sing.
City lights, like rain,
Dance and Explode.
Fall apart, then you thought,
"What if I'm, not dead?"
Kiss and Control.
All of our broken hearts..
Our Hearts
"Now I wanna die like movie stars" you said.
As you jumped from the height of our cutting room floor.
While above us glowing, exploding, our dreams burst forth in light and death.
Hold me and tell me we'll burn like stars, we'll burn as we fall,
Watch as city lights transfoward.
City lights, like rain,
Dance and Explode.
Fall apart, the pain of old lights,
"What if I'm, not dead?"
Kiss and Control.
Fall apart, the pain of our lives, has pain.
Dance and Explode.
City lights like rain..City lights so caress me.
Kiss and Control
All of our, broken hearts

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