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Мои Ракеты Вверх - Daughter Of A Monster

Добавлено: 09.04.2010
I've got those tools that make me amber
I only want to see your face never tired of being sad
If they say something wierd it wont make you heart
And I feel like autumn sky

Good dAY. 11.30 You're drunk as shit and lying on a floor
Your face is drawn with a soft tip pen and if you ever tell me lies again i'll put you in a box full of snakes.
I swear! I'll make it dirty. Let;s not pretend ..don't ever tell a lie. You keep my heArt in trembleling. But if you wanna keep it in your mind you just take it easy.

ok. whatever you say. turn arround you're a daughter of monster
love hate whatever you made. you stired it up.x3
Daughter of monter . I'm watching how you fall. I don't care at all

I've got those tools and I'm amber
I only want to see your face never tired of being sad
If they say something wierd it wont make you heart
And I feel like autumn sky

If saturday comes, than sunday will! I don't know what can make it stop.
And you will open eyes and look at me with common question of what might have been...there's something real?

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