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Сейчас в городе: 1
Проезжих: 1
Прописанных: 0

Эмо почта
Хочу себе почту!


Добавлено: 10.09.2007
Step by step, I'm running from the past,
Wind of changes helps me,
I'm running, haven't time to rest,
I know, the future soon will be.
The flight of live, the flight of death,
The day of birth was last for me,
I know, I haven't got the past,
I know, the future, I can't see...

Give me your hand, give me the chance,
First love, first kiss and first white dance,
You know, that death will kill the love,
But it's not reason say "Enough"
To our flight, to our love...

Your heart is cold, your lips don't smile,
The tear is fire in mind,
The day had come, I'm waiting onley you

Give me your hand, give me the chance,
First love, first kiss and first white dance,
You know, that death will kill the love,
But it's not reason say "Enough"
To our flight, to our love...

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Обсуждение (1)

27.09.2007 ссылка
красиво! а чё не на русском? wacko

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