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Bring Me The Horizon - Rawwwrr!

Добавлено: 05.01.2012

Take it back,
What you suffer me,
Take it back,
What you suffer me again,

Take it back,
What you suffer me,
Take it back,
What you suffer me again,

Take it back,
What you suff...,
Take it back,
What you suffer me,

Wash away these memories, silent and proud,
Wash away these memories, silent and proud,

Those wounds cut me,
Blind rage cutters,

Your applause, my hands,
Your applause, my fucking hands,

Run for the hills,
Your strength, from the dead afar,
Run for the hills,
Your strength from luck, cut this off,

And if you think you're alive,
Then you're better off fucking dead,

This will be over mind and body,
This will be over mind and body,
This will be over mind and body,
This will be over mind and body,
This will be over mind and body,
This will be over mind and body.

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10.01.2012 ссылка
Your applause, my hands,
Your applause, my fucking hands любимая фраза в песне

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