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NiRvana-Smells Like Teen Spirit

Добавлено: 09.10.2007
Come out and play
Make up the rules
I know I hope
To die the truth
It's all a day
I want from you
I don't know
A light
A way to go
want from you
Hello, hello, hello, how low

I'm a liar
And I'm famous
Here we are now
Entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now
Entertain us
A libido
An albino
A mulatto
A mosquito
Here we are now
Entertain us
We're so stupid
And I'm famous


Come out and take
A time from you
And no I don't
Mind I do
And I'm away from her
I feel alone and sad
And free from me

Come out and play
Take out your clothes
Forgot the rules
I'll see you in court
Another night
Afraid of you
I'm not a lie
The same as you

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Обсуждение (1)

28.10.2007 ссылка
Hello, hello, hello, how low

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